Are You Ready?
Key Scriptures: Matthew 25:1-13 NKJV
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
1 “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.
6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.
11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12 But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’
13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.
Music in Live Stream
CCLI Copyright License # 11151363 CCLI Streaming License # 20969830
"O Come, All Ye Faithful" CCLI Song # 31054 C. Frederick Oakeley | John Francis Wade Words: Public Domain Music: Public Domain
"Here I am to Worship" CCLI Song # 3266032 Lyrics: Tim Hughes © 2000 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
"Hark! The Herald Angel/s Sing!" CCLI Song # 27738 Charles Wesley | Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy © Words: Public Domain Music: Public Domain
"The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power" CCLI Song # 11885 Andraé Crouch © 1966 Manna Music, Inc. (Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management)
"Silent Night, Holy Night" CCLI Song # 27862 Franz Xaver Gruber | John Freeman Young | Joseph Mohr © Words: Public Domain Music: Public Domain
"Watch, Ye Saints" Lyrics: Phoebe Palmer
Pastor Luke Penrod
Luke Penrod, a Michigan native, worked for almost a year as an evangelist and Bible worker in TN and GA, before moving north in 2018 to serve as a pastor in Michigan. In his free time, you might find Luke playing guitar or rock climbing. He is overjoyed to be married to his best friend, Esther. Grateful for the love God has given them, Luke and Esther live to proclaim the beautiful message of salvation by faith in Jesus.